Source code for sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom

Digital Communications Function Module

Copyright (c) March 2017, Mark Wickert
All rights reserved.

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import warnings
from matplotlib import pylab
from matplotlib import mlab
import numpy as np
from numpy import fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
from scipy.special import erfc
from sys import exit
from .sigsys import upsample
from .sigsys import downsample
from .sigsys import nrz_bits
from .sigsys import nrz_bits2
from .sigsys import pn_gen
from .sigsys import m_seq
from .sigsys import cpx_awgn
from .sigsys import cic

from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def farrow_resample(x, fs_old, fs_new): """ Parameters ---------- x : Input list representing a signal vector needing resampling. fs_old : Starting/old sampling frequency. fs_new : New sampling frequency. Returns ------- y : List representing the signal vector resampled at the new frequency. Notes ----- A cubic interpolator using a Farrow structure is used resample the input data at a new sampling rate that may be an irrational multiple of the input sampling rate. Time alignment can be found for a integer value M, found with the following: .. math:: f_{s,out} = f_{s,in} (M - 1) / M The filter coefficients used here and a more comprehensive listing can be found in H. Meyr, M. Moeneclaey, & S. Fechtel, "Digital Communication Receivers," Wiley, 1998, Chapter 9, pp. 521-523. Another good paper on variable interpolators is: L. Erup, F. Gardner, & R. Harris, "Interpolation in Digital Modems--Part II: Implementation and Performance," IEEE Comm. Trans., June 1993, pp. 998-1008. A founding paper on the subject of interpolators is: C. W. Farrow, "A Continuously variable Digital Delay Element," Proceedings of the IEEE Intern. Symp. on Circuits Syst., pp. 2641-2645, June 1988. Mark Wickert April 2003, recoded to Python November 2013 Examples -------- The following example uses a QPSK signal with rc pulse shaping, and time alignment at M = 15. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from numpy import arange >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> Ns = 8 >>> Rs = 1. >>> fsin = Ns*Rs >>> Tsin = 1 / fsin >>> N = 200 >>> ts = 1 >>> x, b, data = dc.mpsk_bb(N+12, Ns, 4, 'rc') >>> x = x[12*Ns:] >>> xxI = x.real >>> M = 15 >>> fsout = fsin * (M-1) / M >>> Tsout = 1. / fsout >>> xI = dc.farrow_resample(xxI, fsin, fsin) >>> tx = arange(0, len(xI)) / fsin >>> yI = dc.farrow_resample(xxI, fsin, fsout) >>> ty = arange(0, len(yI)) / fsout >>> plt.plot(tx - Tsin, xI) >>> plt.plot(tx[ts::Ns] - Tsin, xI[ts::Ns], 'r.') >>> plt.plot(ty[ts::Ns] - Tsout, yI[ts::Ns], 'g.') >>> plt.title(r'Impact of Asynchronous Sampling') >>> plt.ylabel(r'Real Signal Amplitude') >>> plt.xlabel(r'Symbol Rate Normalized Time') >>> plt.xlim([0, 20]) >>> plt.grid() >>> """ #Cubic interpolator over 4 samples. #The base point receives a two sample delay. v3 = signal.lfilter([1/6., -1/2., 1/2., -1/6.],[1],x) v2 = signal.lfilter([0, 1/2., -1, 1/2.],[1],x) v1 = signal.lfilter([-1/6., 1, -1/2., -1/3.],[1],x) v0 = signal.lfilter([0, 0, 1],[1],x) Ts_old = 1/float(fs_old) Ts_new = 1/float(fs_new) T_end = Ts_old*(len(x)-3) t_new = np.arange(0,T_end+Ts_old,Ts_new) if x.dtype == np.dtype('complex128') or x.dtype == np.dtype('complex64'): y = np.zeros(len(t_new)) + 1j*np.zeros(len(t_new)) else: y = np.zeros(len(t_new)) for n in range(len(t_new)): n_old = int(np.floor(n*Ts_new/Ts_old)) mu = (n*Ts_new - n_old*Ts_old)/Ts_old # Combine outputs y[n] = ((v3[n_old+1]*mu + v2[n_old+1])*mu + v1[n_old+1])*mu + v0[n_old+1] return y
[docs]def eye_plot(x, l, s=0): """ Eye pattern plot of a baseband digital communications waveform. The signal must be real, but can be multivalued in terms of the underlying modulation scheme. Used for BPSK eye plots in the Case Study article. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray of the real input data vector/array l : display length in samples (usually two symbols) s : start index Returns ------- None : A plot window opens containing the eye plot Notes ----- Increase S to eliminate filter transients. Examples -------- 1000 bits at 10 samples per bit with 'rc' shaping. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> x,b, data = dc.nrz_bits(1000,10,'rc') >>> dc.eye_plot(x,20,60) >>> """ plt.figure(figsize=(6,4)) idx = np.arange(0, l + 1) plt.plot(idx, x[s:s + l + 1], 'b') k_max = int((len(x) - s) / l) - 1 for k in range(1,k_max): plt.plot(idx, x[s + k * l:s + l + 1 + k * l], 'b') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('Time Index - n') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.title('Eye Plot') return 0
[docs]def scatter(x, ns, start): """ Sample a baseband digital communications waveform at the symbol spacing. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray of the input digital comm signal ns : number of samples per symbol (bit) start : the array index to start the sampling Returns ------- xI : ndarray of the real part of x following sampling xQ : ndarray of the imaginary part of x following sampling Notes ----- Normally the signal is complex, so the scatter plot contains clusters at point in the complex plane. For a binary signal such as BPSK, the point centers are nominally +/-1 on the real axis. Start is used to eliminate transients from the FIR pulse shaping filters from appearing in the scatter plot. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> x,b, data = dc.nrz_bits(1000,10,'rc') Add some noise so points are now scattered about +/-1. >>> y = dc.cpx_awgn(x,20,10) >>> yI,yQ = dc.scatter(y,10,60) >>> plt.plot(yI,yQ,'.') >>> plt.grid() >>> plt.xlabel('In-Phase') >>> plt.ylabel('Quadrature') >>> plt.axis('equal') >>> """ xI = np.real(x[start::ns]) xQ = np.imag(x[start::ns]) return xI, xQ
[docs]def strips(x, nx, fig_size=(6, 4)): """ Plots the contents of real ndarray x as a vertical stacking of strips, each of length Nx. The default figure size is (6,4) inches. The yaxis tick labels are the starting index of each strip. The red dashed lines correspond to zero amplitude in each strip. strips(x,Nx,my_figsize=(6,4)) Mark Wickert April 2014 """ plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) N = len(x) Mx = int(np.ceil(N / float(nx))) x_max = np.max(np.abs(x)) for kk in range(Mx): plt.plot(np.array([0, nx]), -kk * nx * np.array([1, 1]), 'r-.') plt.plot(x[kk * nx:(kk + 1) * nx] / x_max * 0.4 * nx - kk * nx, 'b') plt.axis([0, nx, -nx * (Mx - 0.5), nx * 0.5]) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, -nx * Mx, -nx), np.arange(0, nx * Mx, nx)) plt.xlabel('Index') plt.ylabel('Strip Amplitude and Starting Index') return 0
[docs]def bit_errors(tx_data, rx_data, n_corr=1024, n_transient=0): """ Count bit errors between a transmitted and received BPSK signal. Time delay between streams is detected as well as ambiquity resolution due to carrier phase lock offsets of :math:`k*\\pi`, k=0,1. Parameters: ----------- tx_data : ndarray of 0/1 bits as real numbers I. rx_data : ndarray of 0/1 bits as real numbers I. Returns: -------- bit_count : Number of bits processed bit_errors : Number of bit errors found Notes: ------ n_corr needs to be even. """ if not (n_corr % 2 == 0): warnings.warn("n_corr needs to be even") # Remove Ntransient symbols and level shift to {-1,+1} tx_data = 2 * tx_data[n_transient:] - 1 rx_data = 2 * rx_data[n_transient:] - 1 # Correlate the first Ncorr symbols at four possible phase rotations R0 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) R1 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(-1 * rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) #Place the zero lag value in the center of the array R0 = np.fft.fftshift(R0) R1 = np.fft.fftshift(R1) R0max = np.max(R0.real) R1max = np.max(R1.real) R = np.array([R0max,R1max]) Rmax = np.max(R) kphase_max = np.where(R == Rmax)[0] kmax = kphase_max[0] # Correlation lag value is zero at the center of the array if kmax == 0: lagmax = np.where(R0.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 elif kmax == 1: lagmax = np.where(R1.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 taumax = lagmax[0]'kmax = %d, taumax = %d' % (kmax, taumax)) # Count bit and symbol errors over the entire input ndarrays # Begin by making tx and rx length equal and apply phase rotation to rx if taumax < 0: tx_data = tx_data[int(-taumax):] tx_data = tx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] rx_data = (-1)**kmax*rx_data[:len(tx_data)] else: rx_data = (-1)**kmax * rx_data[int(taumax):] rx_data = rx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] tx_data = tx_data[:len(rx_data)] # Convert to 0's and 1's Bit_count = len(tx_data) tx_I = np.int16((tx_data.real + 1)/2) rx_I = np.int16((rx_data.real + 1)/2) Bit_errors = tx_I ^ rx_I return Bit_count,np.sum(Bit_errors)
[docs]def qam_bb(n_symb, ns, mod='16qam', pulse='rect', alpha=0.35): """ A complex baseband transmitter Parameters ---------- n_symb : the number of symbols to process ns : number of samples per symbol mod : modulation type: qpsk, 16qam, 64qam, or 256qam alpha : squareroot raised codine pulse shape bandwidth factor. For DOCSIS alpha = 0.12 to 0.18. In general alpha can range over 0 < alpha < 1. pulse: pulse shapes: src, rc, rect Returns ------- x : complex baseband digital modulation b : transmitter shaping filter, rectangle or SRC tx_data : xI+1j*xQ = inphase symbol sequence + 1j*quadrature symbol sequence Mark Wickert November 2014 """ # Filter the impulse train waveform with a square root raised # cosine pulse shape designed as follows: # Design the filter to be of duration 12 symbols and # fix the excess bandwidth factor at alpha = 0.35 # If SRC = 0 use a simple rectangle pulse shape if pulse.lower() == 'src': b = sqrt_rc_imp(ns, alpha, 6) elif pulse.lower() == 'rc': b = rc_imp(ns, alpha, 6) elif pulse.lower() == 'rect': b = np.ones(int(ns)) #alt. rect. pulse shape else: raise ValueError('pulse shape must be src, rc, or rect') if mod.lower() == 'qpsk': M = 2 # bits per symbol elif mod.lower() == '16qam': M = 4 elif mod.lower() == '64qam': M = 8 elif mod.lower() == '256qam': M = 16 else: raise ValueError('Unknown mod_type') # Create random symbols for the I & Q channels xI = np.random.randint(0, M, n_symb) xI = 2*xI - (M-1) xQ = np.random.randint(0, M, n_symb) xQ = 2*xQ - (M-1) # Employ differential encoding to counter phase ambiquities # Create a zero padded (interpolated by Ns) symbol sequence. # This prepares the symbol sequence for arbitrary pulse shaping. symbI = np.hstack((xI.reshape(n_symb, 1), np.zeros((n_symb, int(ns) - 1)))) symbI = symbI.flatten() symbQ = np.hstack((xQ.reshape(n_symb, 1), np.zeros((n_symb, int(ns) - 1)))) symbQ = symbQ.flatten() symb = symbI + 1j*symbQ if M > 2: symb /= (M-1) # The impulse train waveform contains one pulse per Ns (or Ts) samples # imp_train = [ones(K,1) zeros(K,Ns-1)]'; # imp_train = reshape(imp_train,Ns*K,1); # Filter the impulse train signal x = signal.lfilter(b,1,symb) x = x.flatten() # out is a 1D vector # Scale shaping filter to have unity DC gain b = b/sum(b) return x, b, xI+1j*xQ
[docs]def qam_sep(tx_data, rx_data, mod, n_corr=1024, n_transient=0, SEP_disp=True): """ Nsymb, Nerr, SEP_hat = QAM_symb_errors(tx_data,rx_data,mod_type,Ncorr = 1024,Ntransient = 0) Count symbol errors between a transmitted and received QAM signal. The received symbols are assumed to be soft values on a unit square. Time delay between streams is detected. The ndarray tx_data is Tx complex symbols. The ndarray rx_data is Rx complex symbols. Note: Ncorr needs to be even """ #Remove Ntransient symbols and makes lengths equal tx_data = tx_data[n_transient:] rx_data = rx_data[n_transient:] Nmin = min([len(tx_data),len(rx_data)]) tx_data = tx_data[:Nmin] rx_data = rx_data[:Nmin] # Perform level translation and quantize the soft symbol values if mod.lower() == 'qpsk': M = 2 # bits per symbol elif mod.lower() == '16qam': M = 4 elif mod.lower() == '64qam': M = 8 elif mod.lower() == '256qam': M = 16 else: raise ValueError('Unknown mod_type') rx_data = np.rint((M-1)*(rx_data + (1+1j))/2.) # Fix-up edge points real part s1r = np.nonzero(np.ravel(rx_data.real > M - 1))[0] s2r = np.nonzero(np.ravel(rx_data.real < 0))[0] rx_data.real[s1r] = (M - 1)*np.ones(len(s1r)) rx_data.real[s2r] = np.zeros(len(s2r)) # Fix-up edge points imag part s1i = np.nonzero(np.ravel(rx_data.imag > M - 1))[0] s2i = np.nonzero(np.ravel(rx_data.imag < 0))[0] rx_data.imag[s1i] = (M - 1)*np.ones(len(s1i)) rx_data.imag[s2i] = np.zeros(len(s2i)) rx_data = 2*rx_data - (M - 1)*(1 + 1j) #Correlate the first Ncorr symbols at four possible phase rotations R0,lags = xcorr(rx_data, tx_data, n_corr) R1,lags = xcorr(rx_data * (1j) ** 1, tx_data, n_corr) R2,lags = xcorr(rx_data * (1j) ** 2, tx_data, n_corr) R3,lags = xcorr(rx_data * (1j) ** 3, tx_data, n_corr) #Place the zero lag value in the center of the array R0max = np.max(R0.real) R1max = np.max(R1.real) R2max = np.max(R2.real) R3max = np.max(R3.real) R = np.array([R0max,R1max,R2max,R3max]) Rmax = np.max(R) kphase_max = np.where(R == Rmax)[0] kmax = kphase_max[0] #Find correlation lag value is zero at the center of the array if kmax == 0: lagmax = lags[np.where(R0.real == Rmax)[0]] elif kmax == 1: lagmax = lags[np.where(R1.real == Rmax)[0]] elif kmax == 2: lagmax = lags[np.where(R2.real == Rmax)[0]] elif kmax == 3: lagmax = lags[np.where(R3.real == Rmax)[0]] taumax = lagmax[0] if SEP_disp:'Phase ambiquity = (1j)**%d, taumax = %d' % (kmax, taumax)) #Count symbol errors over the entire input ndarrays #Begin by making tx and rx length equal and apply #phase rotation to rx_data if taumax < 0: tx_data = tx_data[-taumax:] tx_data = tx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] rx_data = (1j)**kmax*rx_data[:len(tx_data)] else: rx_data = (1j)**kmax*rx_data[taumax:] rx_data = rx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] tx_data = tx_data[:len(rx_data)] #Convert QAM symbol difference to symbol errors errors = np.int16(abs(rx_data-tx_data)) # Detect symbols errors # Could decode bit errors from symbol index difference idx = np.nonzero(np.ravel(errors != 0))[0] if SEP_disp:'Symbols = %d, Errors %d, SEP = %1.2e' \ % (len(errors), len(idx), len(idx)/float(len(errors)))) return len(errors), len(idx), len(idx)/float(len(errors))
[docs]def gmsk_bb(n_bits, ns, msk=0, bt=0.35): """ MSK/GMSK Complex Baseband Modulation x,data = gmsk(N_bits, Ns, BT = 0.35, MSK = 0) Parameters ---------- n_bits : number of symbols processed ns : the number of samples per bit msk : 0 for no shaping which is standard MSK, MSK <> 0 --> GMSK is generated. bt : premodulation Bb*T product which sets the bandwidth of the Gaussian lowpass filter Mark Wickert Python version November 2014 """ x, b, data = nrz_bits(n_bits, ns) # pulse length 2*M*Ns M = 4 n = np.arange(-M * ns, M * ns + 1) p = np.exp(-2 * np.pi ** 2 * bt ** 2 / np.log(2) * (n / float(ns)) ** 2); p = p/np.sum(p); # Gaussian pulse shape if MSK not zero if msk != 0: x = signal.lfilter(p,1,x) y = np.exp(1j * np.pi / 2 * np.cumsum(x) / ns) return y, data
[docs]def mpsk_bb(n_symb, ns, mod, pulse='rect', alpha=0.25, m=6): """ Generate a complex baseband MPSK signal with pulse shaping. Parameters ---------- n_symb : number of MPSK symbols to produce ns : the number of samples per bit, mod : MPSK modulation order, e.g., 4, 8, 16, ... pulse : 'rect' , 'rc', 'src' (default 'rect') alpha : excess bandwidth factor(default 0.25) m : single sided pulse duration (default = 6) Returns ------- x : ndarray of the MPSK signal values b : ndarray of the pulse shape data : ndarray of the underlying data bits Notes ----- Pulse shapes include 'rect' (rectangular), 'rc' (raised cosine), 'src' (root raised cosine). The actual pulse length is 2*M+1 samples. This function is used by BPSK_tx in the Case Study article. Examples -------- >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> import scipy.signal as signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x,b,data = dc.mpsk_bb(500,10,8,'src',0.35) >>> # Matched filter received signal x >>> y = signal.lfilter(b,1,x) >>> plt.plot(y.real[12*10:],y.imag[12*10:]) >>> plt.xlabel('In-Phase') >>> plt.ylabel('Quadrature') >>> plt.axis('equal') >>> # Sample once per symbol >>> plt.plot(y.real[12*10::10],y.imag[12*10::10],'r.') >>> """ data = np.random.randint(0, mod, n_symb) xs = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi / mod * data) x = np.hstack((xs.reshape(n_symb, 1), np.zeros((n_symb, int(ns) - 1)))) x =x.flatten() if pulse.lower() == 'rect': b = np.ones(int(ns)) elif pulse.lower() == 'rc': b = rc_imp(ns, alpha, m) elif pulse.lower() == 'src': b = sqrt_rc_imp(ns, alpha, m) else: raise ValueError('pulse type must be rec, rc, or src') x = signal.lfilter(b,1,x) if mod == 4: x = x*np.exp(1j*np.pi/4); # For QPSK points in quadrants return x, b / float(ns), data
[docs]def qpsk_rx(fc, n_symb, rs, es_n0=100, fs=125, lfsr_len=10, phase=0, pulse='src'): """ This function generates """ Ns = int(np.round(fs / rs))'Ns = ', Ns)'Rs = ', fs/float(Ns))'EsN0 = ', es_n0, 'dB')'phase = ', phase, 'degrees')'pulse = ', pulse) x, b, data = qpsk_bb(n_symb, Ns, lfsr_len, pulse) # Add AWGN to x x = cpx_awgn(x, es_n0, Ns) n = np.arange(len(x)) xc = x*np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*fc/float(fs)*n) * np.exp(1j*phase) return xc, b, data
[docs]def qpsk_tx(fc, n_symb, rs, fs=125, lfsr_len=10, pulse='src'): """ """ Ns = int(np.round(fs / rs))'Ns = ', Ns)'Rs = ', fs/float(Ns))'pulse = ', pulse) x, b, data = qpsk_bb(n_symb, Ns, lfsr_len, pulse) n = np.arange(len(x)) xc = x*np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*fc/float(fs)*n) return xc, b, data
[docs]def qpsk_bb(n_symb, ns, lfsr_len=5, pulse='src', alpha=0.25, m=6): """ """ if lfsr_len > 0: # LFSR data data = pn_gen(2 * n_symb, lfsr_len) dataI = data[0::2] dataQ = data[1::2] xI, b = nrz_bits2(dataI, ns, pulse, alpha, m) xQ, b = nrz_bits2(dataQ, ns, pulse, alpha, m) else: # Random data data = np.zeros(2 * n_symb) xI, b, data[0::2] = nrz_bits(n_symb, ns, pulse, alpha, m) xQ, b, data[1::2] = nrz_bits(n_symb, ns, pulse, alpha, m) #print('P_I: ',np.var(xI), 'P_Q: ',np.var(xQ)) x = (xI + 1j*xQ)/np.sqrt(2.) return x, b, data
[docs]def qpsk_bep(tx_data, rx_data, n_corr = 1024, n_transient = 0): """ Count bit errors between a transmitted and received QPSK signal. Time delay between streams is detected as well as ambiquity resolution due to carrier phase lock offsets of :math:`k*\\frac{\\pi}{4}`, k=0,1,2,3. The ndarray sdata is Tx +/-1 symbols as complex numbers I + j*Q. The ndarray data is Rx +/-1 symbols as complex numbers I + j*Q. Note: Ncorr needs to be even """ #Remove Ntransient symbols tx_data = tx_data[n_transient:] rx_data = rx_data[n_transient:] #Correlate the first Ncorr symbols at four possible phase rotations R0 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) R1 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(1j * rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) R2 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(-1 * rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) R3 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(-1j * rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) #Place the zero lag value in the center of the array R0 = np.fft.fftshift(R0) R1 = np.fft.fftshift(R1) R2 = np.fft.fftshift(R2) R3 = np.fft.fftshift(R3) R0max = np.max(R0.real) R1max = np.max(R1.real) R2max = np.max(R2.real) R3max = np.max(R3.real) R = np.array([R0max,R1max,R2max,R3max]) Rmax = np.max(R) kphase_max = np.where(R == Rmax)[0] kmax = kphase_max[0] #Correlation lag value is zero at the center of the array if kmax == 0: lagmax = np.where(R0.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 elif kmax == 1: lagmax = np.where(R1.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 elif kmax == 2: lagmax = np.where(R2.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 elif kmax == 3: lagmax = np.where(R3.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 taumax = lagmax[0]'kmax = %d, taumax = %d' % (kmax, taumax)) # Count bit and symbol errors over the entire input ndarrays # Begin by making tx and rx length equal and apply phase rotation to rx if taumax < 0: tx_data = tx_data[-taumax:] tx_data = tx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] rx_data = 1j**kmax*rx_data[:len(tx_data)] else: rx_data = 1j**kmax*rx_data[taumax:] rx_data = rx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] tx_data = tx_data[:len(rx_data)] #Convert to 0's and 1's S_count = len(tx_data) tx_I = np.int16((tx_data.real + 1)/2) tx_Q = np.int16((tx_data.imag + 1)/2) rx_I = np.int16((rx_data.real + 1)/2) rx_Q = np.int16((rx_data.imag + 1)/2) I_errors = tx_I ^ rx_I Q_errors = tx_Q ^ rx_Q #A symbol errors occurs when I or Q or both are in error S_errors = I_errors | Q_errors #return 0 return S_count,np.sum(I_errors),np.sum(Q_errors),np.sum(S_errors)
[docs]def bpsk_bep(tx_data, rx_data, n_corr=1024, n_transient=0): """ Count bit errors between a transmitted and received BPSK signal. Time delay between streams is detected as well as ambiquity resolution due to carrier phase lock offsets of :math:`k*\\pi`, k=0,1. The ndarray tx_data is Tx +/-1 symbols as real numbers I. The ndarray rx_data is Rx +/-1 symbols as real numbers I. Note: Ncorr needs to be even """ #Remove Ntransient symbols tx_data = tx_data[n_transient:] rx_data = rx_data[n_transient:] #Correlate the first Ncorr symbols at four possible phase rotations R0 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) R1 = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(-1 * rx_data, n_corr) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(tx_data, n_corr))) #Place the zero lag value in the center of the array R0 = np.fft.fftshift(R0) R1 = np.fft.fftshift(R1) R0max = np.max(R0.real) R1max = np.max(R1.real) R = np.array([R0max,R1max]) Rmax = np.max(R) kphase_max = np.where(R == Rmax)[0] kmax = kphase_max[0] #Correlation lag value is zero at the center of the array if kmax == 0: lagmax = np.where(R0.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 elif kmax == 1: lagmax = np.where(R1.real == Rmax)[0] - n_corr / 2 taumax = int(lagmax[0])'kmax = %d, taumax = %d' % (kmax, taumax)) #return R0,R1,R2,R3 #Count bit and symbol errors over the entire input ndarrays #Begin by making tx and rx length equal and apply phase rotation to rx if taumax < 0: tx_data = tx_data[-taumax:] tx_data = tx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] rx_data = (-1)**kmax*rx_data[:len(tx_data)] else: rx_data = (-1)**kmax*rx_data[taumax:] rx_data = rx_data[:min(len(tx_data),len(rx_data))] tx_data = tx_data[:len(rx_data)] #Convert to 0's and 1's S_count = len(tx_data) tx_I = np.int16((tx_data.real + 1)/2) rx_I = np.int16((rx_data.real + 1)/2) I_errors = tx_I ^ rx_I #Symbol errors and bit errors are equivalent S_errors = I_errors #return tx_data, rx_data return S_count,np.sum(S_errors)
[docs]def bpsk_tx(n_bits, ns, ach_fc=2.0, ach_lvl_dB=-100, pulse='rect', alpha = 0.25, m=6): """ Generates biphase shift keyed (BPSK) transmitter with adjacent channel interference. Generates three BPSK signals with rectangular or square root raised cosine (SRC) pulse shaping of duration N_bits and Ns samples per bit. The desired signal is centered on f = 0, which the adjacent channel signals to the left and right are also generated at dB level relative to the desired signal. Used in the digital communications Case Study supplement. Parameters ---------- n_bits : the number of bits to simulate ns : the number of samples per bit ach_fc : the frequency offset of the adjacent channel signals (default 2.0) ach_lvl_dB : the level of the adjacent channel signals in dB (default -100) pulse : the pulse shape 'rect' or 'src' alpha : square root raised cosine pulse shape factor (default = 0.25) m : square root raised cosine pulse truncation factor (default = 6) Returns ------- x : ndarray of the composite signal x0 + ach_lvl*(x1p + x1m) b : the transmit pulse shape data0 : the data bits used to form the desired signal; used for error checking Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> x,b,data0 = bpsk_tx(1000,10,pulse='src') """ x0,b,data0 = nrz_bits(n_bits,ns,pulse,alpha,m) x1p,b,data1p = nrz_bits(n_bits,ns,pulse,alpha,m) x1m,b,data1m = nrz_bits(n_bits,ns,pulse,alpha,m) n_range = np.arange(len(x0)) exp_val = 2 * np.pi * ach_fc / float(ns) * n_range x1p = x1p*np.exp(1j * exp_val) x1m = x1m*np.exp(-1j * exp_val) ach_lvl = 10**(ach_lvl_dB/20.) return x0 + ach_lvl*(x1p + x1m), b, data0
[docs]def rc_imp(ns, alpha, m=6): """ A truncated raised cosine pulse used in digital communications. The pulse shaping factor :math:`0 < \\alpha < 1` is required as well as the truncation factor M which sets the pulse duration to be :math:`2*M*T_{symbol}`. Parameters ---------- ns : number of samples per symbol alpha : excess bandwidth factor on (0, 1), e.g., 0.35 m : equals RC one-sided symbol truncation factor Returns ------- b : ndarray containing the pulse shape See Also -------- sqrt_rc_imp Notes ----- The pulse shape b is typically used as the FIR filter coefficients when forming a pulse shaped digital communications waveform. Examples -------- Ten samples per symbol and :math:`\\alpha = 0.35`. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom import rc_imp >>> from numpy import arange >>> b = rc_imp(10,0.35) >>> n = arange(-10*6,10*6+1) >>> plt.stem(n,b) >>> """ # Design the filter n = np.arange(-m * ns, m * ns + 1) b = np.zeros(len(n)) a = alpha ns *= 1.0 for i in range(len(n)): if (1 - 4 * (a * n[i] / ns) ** 2) == 0: b[i] = np.pi/4*np.sinc(1/(2.*a)) else: b[i] = np.sinc(n[i] / ns) * np.cos(np.pi * a * n[i] / ns) / (1 - 4 * (a * n[i] / ns) ** 2) return b
[docs]def sqrt_rc_imp(ns, alpha, m=6): """ A truncated square root raised cosine pulse used in digital communications. The pulse shaping factor :math:`0 < \\alpha < 1` is required as well as the truncation factor M which sets the pulse duration to be :math:`2*M*T_{symbol}`. Parameters ---------- ns : number of samples per symbol alpha : excess bandwidth factor on (0, 1), e.g., 0.35 m : equals RC one-sided symbol truncation factor Returns ------- b : ndarray containing the pulse shape Notes ----- The pulse shape b is typically used as the FIR filter coefficients when forming a pulse shaped digital communications waveform. When square root raised cosine (SRC) pulse is used to generate Tx signals and at the receiver used as a matched filter (receiver FIR filter), the received signal is now raised cosine shaped, thus having zero intersymbol interference and the optimum removal of additive white noise if present at the receiver input. Examples -------- Ten samples per symbol and :math:`\\alpha = 0.35`. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from numpy import arange >>> from sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom import sqrt_rc_imp >>> b = sqrt_rc_imp(10,0.35) >>> n = arange(-10*6,10*6+1) >>> plt.stem(n,b) >>> """ # Design the filter n = np.arange(-m * ns, m * ns + 1) b = np.zeros(len(n)) ns *= 1.0 a = alpha for i in range(len(n)): if abs(1 - 16 * a ** 2 * (n[i] / ns) ** 2) <= np.finfo(np.float).eps/2: b[i] = 1/2.*((1+a)*np.sin((1+a)*np.pi/(4.*a))-(1-a)*np.cos((1-a)*np.pi/(4.*a))+(4*a)/np.pi*np.sin((1-a)*np.pi/(4.*a))) else: b[i] = 4*a/(np.pi * (1 - 16 * a ** 2 * (n[i] / ns) ** 2)) b[i] = b[i]*(np.cos((1+a) * np.pi * n[i] / ns) + np.sinc((1 - a) * n[i] / ns) * (1 - a) * np.pi / (4. * a)) return b
[docs]def rz_bits(n_bits, ns, pulse='rect', alpha=0.25, m=6): """ Generate return-to-zero (RZ) data bits with pulse shaping. A baseband digital data signal using +/-1 amplitude signal values and including pulse shaping. Parameters ---------- n_bits : number of RZ {0,1} data bits to produce ns : the number of samples per bit, pulse : 'rect' , 'rc', 'src' (default 'rect') alpha : excess bandwidth factor(default 0.25) m : single sided pulse duration (default = 6) Returns ------- x : ndarray of the RZ signal values b : ndarray of the pulse shape data : ndarray of the underlying data bits Notes ----- Pulse shapes include 'rect' (rectangular), 'rc' (raised cosine), 'src' (root raised cosine). The actual pulse length is 2*M+1 samples. This function is used by BPSK_tx in the Case Study article. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from numpy import arange >>> from sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom import rz_bits >>> x,b,data = rz_bits(100,10) >>> t = arange(len(x)) >>> plt.plot(t,x) >>> plt.ylim([-0.01, 1.01]) >>> """ data = np.random.randint(0, 2, n_bits) x = np.hstack((data.reshape(n_bits, 1), np.zeros((n_bits, int(ns) - 1)))) x =x.flatten() if pulse.lower() == 'rect': b = np.ones(int(ns)) elif pulse.lower() == 'rc': b = rc_imp(ns, alpha, m) elif pulse.lower() == 'src': b = sqrt_rc_imp(ns, alpha, m) else: warnings.warn('pulse type must be rec, rc, or src') x = signal.lfilter(b,1,x) return x, b / float(ns), data
[docs]def my_psd(x,NFFT=2**10,Fs=1): """ A local version of NumPy's PSD function that returns the plot arrays. A mlab.psd wrapper function that returns two ndarrays; makes no attempt to auto plot anything. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray input signal NFFT : a power of two, e.g., 2**10 = 1024 Fs : the sampling rate in Hz Returns ------- Px : ndarray of the power spectrum estimate f : ndarray of frequency values Notes ----- This function makes it easier to overlay spectrum plots because you have better control over the axis scaling than when using psd() in the autoscale mode. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> from numpy import log10 >>> x,b, data = dc.nrz_bits(10000,10) >>> Px,f = dc.my_psd(x,2**10,10) >>> plt.plot(f, 10*log10(Px)) >>> """ Px,f = pylab.mlab.psd(x,NFFT,Fs) return Px.flatten(), f
[docs]def time_delay(x, d, n=4): """ A time varying time delay which takes advantage of the Farrow structure for cubic interpolation: y = time_delay(x,D,N = 3) Note that D is an array of the same length as the input signal x. This allows you to make the delay a function of time. If you want a constant delay just use D*zeros(len(x)). The minimum delay allowable is one sample or D = 1.0. This is due to the causal system nature of the Farrow structure. A founding paper on the subject of interpolators is: C. W. Farrow, "A Continuously variable Digital Delay Element," Proceedings of the IEEE Intern. Symp. on Circuits Syst., pp. 2641-2645, June 1988. Mark Wickert, February 2014 """ if type(d) == float or type(d) == int: #Make sure D stays with in the tapped delay line bounds if int(np.fix(d)) < 1:'D has integer part less than one') exit(1) if int(np.fix(d)) > n-2:'D has integer part greater than N - 2') exit(1) # Filter 4-tap input with four Farrow FIR filters # Since the time delay is a constant, the LTI filter # function from scipy.signal is convenient. D_frac = d - np.fix(d) Nd = int(np.fix(d)) b = np.zeros(Nd + 4) # Load Lagrange coefficients into the last four FIR taps b[Nd] = -(D_frac-1)*(D_frac-2)*(D_frac-3)/6. b[Nd + 1] = D_frac*(D_frac-2)*(D_frac-3)/2. b[Nd + 2] = -D_frac*(D_frac-1)*(D_frac-3)/2. b[Nd + 3] = D_frac*(D_frac-1)*(D_frac-2)/6. # Do all of the filtering in one step for this special case # of a fixed delay. y = signal.lfilter(b,[1],x) else: # Make sure D stays with in the tapped delay line bounds if np.fix(np.min(d)) < 1:'D has integer part less than one') exit(1) if np.fix(np.max(d)) > n-2:'D has integer part greater than N - 2') exit(1) y = np.zeros(len(x)) X = np.zeros(n + 1) # Farrow filter tap weights W3 = np.array([[1./6, -1./2, 1./2, -1./6]]) W2 = np.array([[0, 1./2, -1., 1./2]]) W1 = np.array([[-1./6, 1., -1./2, -1./3]]) W0 = np.array([[0, 0, 1., 0]]) for k in range(len(x)): Nd = int(np.fix(d[k])) mu = 1 - (d[k] - np.fix(d[k])) # Form a row vector of signal samples, present and past values X = np.hstack((np.array(x[k]), X[:-1])) # Filter 4-tap input with four Farrow FIR filters # Here numpy dot(A,B) performs the matrix multiply # since the filter has time-varying coefficients v3 =,np.array(X[Nd-1:Nd+3]).T) v2 =,np.array(X[Nd-1:Nd+3]).T) v1 =,np.array(X[Nd-1:Nd+3]).T) v0 =,np.array(X[Nd-1:Nd+3]).T) #Combine sub-filter outputs using mu = 1 - d y[k] = ((v3[0]*mu + v2[0])*mu + v1[0])*mu + v0[0] return y
[docs]def xcorr(x1, x2, n_lags): """ r12, k = xcorr(x1,x2,Nlags), r12 and k are ndarray's Compute the energy normalized cross correlation between the sequences x1 and x2. If x1 = x2 the cross correlation is the autocorrelation. The number of lags sets how many lags to return centered about zero """ K = 2*(int(np.floor(len(x1)/2))) X1 = fft.fft(x1[:K]) X2 = fft.fft(x2[:K]) E1 = sum(abs(x1[:K])**2) E2 = sum(abs(x2[:K])**2) r12 = np.fft.ifft(X1*np.conj(X2))/np.sqrt(E1*E2) k = np.arange(K) - int(np.floor(K/2)) r12 = np.fft.fftshift(r12) idx = np.nonzero(np.ravel(abs(k) <= n_lags)) return r12[idx], k[idx]
[docs]def q_fctn(x): """ Gaussian Q-function """ return 1./2*erfc(x/np.sqrt(2.))
[docs]def pcm_encode(x, n_bits): """ Parameters ---------- x : signal samples to be PCM encoded n_bits : bit precision of PCM samples Returns ------- x_bits : encoded serial bit stream of 0/1 values. MSB first. Mark Wickert, Mark 2015 """ xq = np.int16(np.rint(x * 2 ** (n_bits - 1))) x_bits = np.zeros((n_bits, len(xq))) for k, xk in enumerate(xq): x_bits[:,k] = to_bin(xk, n_bits) # Reshape into a serial bit stream x_bits = np.reshape(x_bits, (1, len(x) * n_bits), 'F') return np.int16(x_bits.flatten())
# A helper function for PCM_encode and elsewhere
[docs]def to_bin(data, width): """ Convert an unsigned integer to a numpy binary array with the first element the MSB and the last element the LSB. """ data_str = bin(data & (2**width-1))[2:].zfill(width) return [int(x) for x in tuple(data_str)]
[docs]def from_bin(bin_array): """ Convert binary array back a nonnegative integer. The array length is the bit width. The first input index holds the MSB and the last holds the LSB. """ width = len(bin_array) bin_wgts = 2**np.arange(width-1,-1,-1) return int(,bin_wgts))
[docs]def pcm_decode(x_bits, n_bits): """ Parameters ---------- x_bits : serial bit stream of 0/1 values. The length of x_bits must be a multiple of N_bits n_bits : bit precision of PCM samples Returns ------- xhat : decoded PCM signal samples Mark Wickert, March 2015 """ N_samples = len(x_bits) // n_bits # Convert serial bit stream into parallel words with each # column holdingthe N_bits binary sample value xrs_bits = x_bits.copy() xrs_bits = np.reshape(xrs_bits, (n_bits, N_samples), 'F') # Convert N_bits binary words into signed integer values xq = np.zeros(N_samples) w = 2**np.arange(n_bits - 1, -1, -1) # binary weights for bin # to dec conversion for k in range(N_samples): xq[k] =[:,k],w) - xrs_bits[0,k] * 2 ** n_bits return xq/2**(n_bits - 1)
[docs]def awgn_channel(x_bits, eb_n0_dB): """ Parameters ---------- x_bits : serial bit stream of 0/1 values. eb_n0_dB : Energy per bit to noise power density ratio in dB of the serial bit stream sent through the AWGN channel. Frequently we equate EBN0 to SNR in link budget calculations. Returns ------- y_bits : Received serial bit stream following hard decisions. This bit will have bit errors. To check the estimated bit error probability use :func:`BPSK_BEP` or simply: >>> Pe_est = sum(xor(x_bits,y_bits))/length(x_bits); Mark Wickert, March 2015 """ x_bits = 2*x_bits - 1 # convert from 0/1 to -1/1 signal values var_noise = 10 ** (-eb_n0_dB / 10) / 2 y_bits = x_bits + np.sqrt(var_noise)*np.random.randn(np.size(x_bits)) # Make hard decisions y_bits = np.sign(y_bits) # -1/+1 signal values y_bits = (y_bits+1)/2 # convert back to 0/1 binary values return y_bits
[docs]def mux_pilot_blocks(iq_data, npb): """ Parameters ---------- iq_data : a 2D array of input QAM symbols with the columns representing the NF carrier frequencies and each row the QAM symbols used to form an OFDM symbol npb : the period of the pilot blocks; e.g., a pilot block is inserted every Np OFDM symbols (Np-1 OFDM data symbols of width Nf are inserted in between the pilot blocks. Returns ------- IQ_datap : IQ_data with pilot blocks inserted See Also -------- OFDM_tx Notes ----- A helper function called by :func:`OFDM_tx` that inserts pilot block for use in channel estimation when a delay spread channel is present. """ N_OFDM = iq_data.shape[0] Npb = N_OFDM // (npb - 1) N_OFDM_rem = N_OFDM - Npb * (npb - 1) Nf = iq_data.shape[1] IQ_datap = np.zeros((N_OFDM + Npb + 1, Nf), dtype=np.complex128) pilots = np.ones(Nf) # The pilot symbol is simply 1 + j0 for k in range(Npb): IQ_datap[npb * k:npb * (k + 1), :] = np.vstack((pilots, iq_data[(npb - 1) * k:(npb - 1) * (k + 1), :])) IQ_datap[npb * Npb:npb * (Npb + N_OFDM_rem), :] = np.vstack((pilots, iq_data[(npb - 1) * Npb:, :])) return IQ_datap
[docs]def ofdm_tx(iq_data, nf, nc, npb=0, cp=False, ncp=0): """ Parameters ---------- iq_data : +/-1, +/-3, etc complex QAM symbol sample inputs nf : number of filled carriers, must be even and Nf < N nc : total number of carriers; generally a power 2, e.g., 64, 1024, etc npb : Period of pilot code blocks; 0 <=> no pilots cp : False/True <=> bypass cp insertion entirely if False ncp : the length of the cyclic prefix Returns ------- x_out : complex baseband OFDM waveform output after P/S and CP insertion See Also -------- OFDM_rx Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> x1,b1,IQ_data1 = dc.QAM_bb(50000,1,'16qam') >>> x_out = dc.ofdm_tx(IQ_data1,32,64) >>> x1,b1,IQ_data1 = dc.qam_bb(50000,1,'16qam') >>> x_out = dc.ofdm_tx(IQ_data1,32,64) >>> plt.psd(x_out,2**10,1); >>> plt.xlabel(r'Normalized Frequency ($\omega/(2\pi)=f/f_s$)') >>> plt.ylim([-40,0]) >>> plt.xlim([-.5,.5]) >>> """ N_symb = len(iq_data) N_OFDM = N_symb // nf iq_data = iq_data[:N_OFDM * nf] IQ_s2p = np.reshape(iq_data, (N_OFDM, nf)) # carrier symbols by column print(IQ_s2p.shape) if npb > 0: IQ_s2p = mux_pilot_blocks(IQ_s2p, npb) N_OFDM = IQ_s2p.shape[0] if cp: x_out = np.zeros(N_OFDM * (nc + ncp), dtype=np.complex128) else: x_out = np.zeros(N_OFDM * nc, dtype=np.complex128) for k in range(N_OFDM): buff = np.zeros(nc, dtype=np.complex128) for n_freq in range(-nf // 2, nf // 2 + 1): if n_freq == 0: # Modulate carrier f = 0 buff[0] = 0 # This can be a pilot carrier elif n_freq > 0: # Modulate carriers f = 1:Nf/2 buff[n_freq] = IQ_s2p[k, n_freq - 1] else: # Modulate carriers f = -Nf/2:-1 buff[nc + n_freq] = IQ_s2p[k, nf + n_freq] if cp: # With cyclic prefix x_out_buff = fft.ifft(buff) x_out[k * (nc + ncp):(k + 1) * (nc + ncp)] = np.concatenate((x_out_buff[nc - ncp:], x_out_buff)) else: # No cyclic prefix included x_out[k * nc:(k + 1) * nc] = fft.ifft(buff) return x_out
[docs]def chan_est_equalize(z, npbp, alpha, ht=None): """ This is a helper function for :func:`OFDM_rx` to unpack pilot blocks from from the entire set of received OFDM symbols (the Nf of N filled carriers only); then estimate the channel array H recursively, and finally apply H_hat to Y, i.e., X_hat = Y/H_hat carrier-by-carrier. Note if Np = -1, then H_hat = H, the true channel. Parameters ---------- z : Input N_OFDM x Nf 2D array containing pilot blocks and OFDM data symbols. npbp : The pilot block period; if -1 use the known channel impulse response input to ht. alpha : The forgetting factor used to recursively estimate H_hat ht : The theoretical channel frquency response to allow ideal equalization provided Ncp is adequate. Returns ------- zz_out : The input z with the pilot blocks removed and one-tap equalization applied to each of the Nf carriers. H : The channel estimate in the frequency domain; an array of length Nf; will return Ht if provided as an input. Examples -------- >>> from sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom import chan_est_equalize >>> zz_out,H = chan_est_eq(z,Nf,npbp,alpha,Ht=None) """ N_OFDM = z.shape[0] Nf = z.shape[1] Npb = N_OFDM // npbp N_part = N_OFDM - Npb * npbp - 1 zz_out = np.zeros_like(z) Hmatrix = np.zeros((N_OFDM, Nf), dtype=np.complex128) k_fill = 0 k_pilot = 0 for k in range(N_OFDM): if np.mod(k, npbp) == 0: # Process pilot blocks if k == 0: H = z[k, :] else: H = alpha * H + (1 - alpha) * z[k, :] Hmatrix[k_pilot, :] = H k_pilot += 1 else: # process data blocks if isinstance(type(None), type(ht)): zz_out[k_fill, :] = z[k, :] / H # apply equalizer else: zz_out[k_fill, :] = z[k, :] / ht # apply ideal equalizer k_fill += 1 zz_out = zz_out[:k_fill, :] # Trim to # of OFDM data symbols Hmatrix = Hmatrix[:k_pilot, :] # Trim to # of OFDM pilot symbols if k_pilot > 0: # Plot a few magnitude and phase channel estimates chan_idx = np.arange(0, Nf // 2, 4) plt.subplot(211) for i in chan_idx: plt.plot(np.abs(Hmatrix[:, i])) plt.title('Channel Estimates H[k] Over Selected Carrier Indices') plt.xlabel('Channel Estimate Update Index') plt.ylabel('|H[k]|') plt.grid(); plt.subplot(212) for i in chan_idx: plt.plot(np.angle(Hmatrix[:, i])) plt.xlabel('Channel Estimate Update Index') plt.ylabel('angle[H[k] (rad)') plt.grid(); plt.tight_layout() return zz_out, H
[docs]def ofdm_rx(x, nf, nc, npb=0, cp=False, ncp=0, alpha=0.95, ht=None): """ Parameters ---------- x : Received complex baseband OFDM signal nf : Number of filled carriers, must be even and Nf < N nc : Total number of carriers; generally a power 2, e.g., 64, 1024, etc npb : Period of pilot code blocks; 0 <=> no pilots; -1 <=> use the ht impulse response input to equalize the OFDM symbols; note equalization still requires Ncp > 0 to work on a delay spread channel. cp : False/True <=> if False assume no CP is present ncp : The length of the cyclic prefix alpha : The filter forgetting factor in the channel estimator. Typically alpha is 0.9 to 0.99. ht : Input the known theoretical channel impulse response Returns ------- z_out : Recovered complex baseband QAM symbols as a serial stream; as appropriate channel estimation has been applied. H : channel estimate (in the frequency domain at each subcarrier) See Also -------- OFDM_tx Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> from scipy import signal >>> from numpy import array >>> hc = array([1.0, 0.1, -0.05, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05]) # impulse response spanning five symbols >>> # Quick example using the above channel with no cyclic prefix >>> x1,b1,IQ_data1 = dc.QAM_bb(50000,1,'16qam') >>> x_out = dc.ofdm_tx(IQ_data1,32,64,0,True,0) >>> x1,b1,IQ_data1 = dc.qam_bb(50000,1,'16qam') >>> x_out = dc.ofdm_tx(IQ_data1,32,64,0,True,0) >>> c_out = signal.lfilter(hc,1,x_out) # Apply channel distortion >>> r_out = dc.cpx_awgn(c_out,100,64/32) # Es/N0 = 100 dB >>> z_out,H = dc.ofdm_rx(r_out,32,64,-1,True,0,alpha=0.95,ht=hc) >>> plt.plot(z_out[200:].real,z_out[200:].imag,'.') >>> plt.xlabel('In-Phase') >>> plt.ylabel('Quadrature') >>> plt.axis('equal') >>> plt.grid() >>> Another example with noise using a 10 symbol cyclic prefix and channel estimation: >>> x_out = dc.ofdm_tx(IQ_data1,32,64,100,True,10) >>> c_out = signal.lfilter(hc,1,x_out) # Apply channel distortion >>> r_out = dc.cpx_awgn(c_out,25,64/32) # Es/N0 = 25 dB >>> z_out,H = dc.ofdm_rx(r_out,32,64,100,True,10,alpha=0.95,ht=hc); >>> plt.figure() # if channel estimation is turned on need this >>> plt.plot(z_out[-2000:].real,z_out[-2000:].imag,'.') # allow settling time >>> plt.xlabel('In-Phase') >>> plt.ylabel('Quadrature') >>> plt.axis('equal') >>> plt.grid() >>> """ N_symb = len(x) // (nc + ncp) y_out = np.zeros(N_symb * nc, dtype=np.complex128) for k in range(N_symb): if cp: # Remove the cyclic prefix buff = x[k * (nc + ncp) + ncp:(k + 1) * (nc + ncp)] else: buff = x[k * nc:(k + 1) * nc] y_out[k * nc:(k + 1) * nc] = fft.fft(buff) # Demultiplex into Nf parallel streams from N total, including # the pilot blocks which contain channel information z_out = np.reshape(y_out, (N_symb, nc)) z_out = np.hstack((z_out[:, 1:nf // 2 + 1], z_out[:, nc - nf // 2:nc])) if npb > 0: if isinstance(type(None), type(ht)): z_out, H = chan_est_equalize(z_out, npb, alpha) else: Ht = fft.fft(ht, nc) Hht = np.hstack((Ht[1:nf // 2 + 1], Ht[nc - nf // 2:])) z_out, H = chan_est_equalize(z_out, npb, alpha, Hht) elif npb == -1: # Ideal equalization using hc Ht = fft.fft(ht, nc) H = np.hstack((Ht[1:nf // 2 + 1], Ht[nc - nf // 2:])) for k in range(N_symb): z_out[k, :] /= H else: H = np.ones(nf) # Multiplex into original serial symbol stream return z_out.flatten(), H
[docs]def bin2gray(d_word,b_width): """ Convert integer bit words to gray encoded binary words via Gray coding starting from the MSB to the LSB Mark Wickert November 2018 """ bits_in = to_bin(d_word,b_width) bits_out = np.zeros(b_width, for k, bit_k in enumerate(bits_in): if k > 0: bits_out[k] = bit_k^bits_in[k-1] else: bits_out[k] = bit_k return from_bin(bits_out)
[docs]def gray2bin(d_word,b_width): """ Convert gray encoded binary words to integer bit words via Gray decoding starting from the MSB to the LSB Mark Wickert November 2018 """ bits_in = to_bin(d_word,b_width) bits_out = np.zeros(b_width, for k, bit_k in enumerate(bits_in): if k > 0: bits_out[k] = bit_k^bits_out[k-1] else: bits_out[k] = bit_k return from_bin(bits_out)
[docs]def qam_gray_encode_bb(n_symb, ns, mod=4, pulse='rect', alpha=0.35, m_span=6, ext_data=None): """ QAM_gray_bb: A gray code mapped QAM complex baseband transmitter x,b,tx_data = QAM_gray_bb(K,Ns,M) Parameters ---------- n_symb : The number of symbols to process ns : Number of samples per symbol mod : Modulation order: 2, 4, 16, 64, 256 QAM. Note 2 <=> BPSK, 4 <=> QPSK alpha : Square root raised cosine excess bandwidth factor. For DOCSIS alpha = 0.12 to 0.18. In general alpha can range over 0 < alpha < 1. pulse : 'rect', 'src', or 'rc' Returns ------- x : Complex baseband digital modulation b : Transmitter shaping filter, rectangle or SRC tx_data : xI+1j*xQ = inphase symbol sequence + 1j*quadrature symbol sequence See Also -------- QAM_gray_decode Examples -------- """ # Create a random bit stream then encode using gray code mapping # Gray code LUTs for 4, 16, 64, and 256 QAM # which employs M = 2, 4, 6, and 8 bits per symbol bin2gray1 = [0,1] bin2gray2 = [0,1,3,2] bin2gray3 = [0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5] # arange(8) bin2gray4 = [0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5,15,14,12,13,8,9,11,10] x_m = np.sqrt(mod) - 1 # Create the serial bit stream [Ibits,Qbits,Ibits,Qbits,...], msb to lsb # except for the case M = 2 if n_symb == None: # Truncate so an integer number of symbols is formed n_symb = int(np.floor(len(ext_data) / np.log2(mod))) data = ext_data[:n_symb * int(np.log2(mod))] else: data = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=int(np.log2(mod)) * n_symb) x_IQ = np.zeros(n_symb, dtype=np.complex128) N_word = int(np.log2(mod) / 2) # binary weights for converting binary to decimal using dot() w = 2**np.arange(N_word-1,-1,-1) if mod == 2: # Special case of BPSK for convenience x_IQ = 2*data - 1 x_m = 1 elif mod == 4: # total constellation points for k in range(n_symb): wordI = data[2*k*N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word] wordQ = data[2*k*N_word+N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word+N_word] x_IQ[k] = (2*bin2gray1[,w)] - x_m) + \ 1j*(2*bin2gray1[,w)] - x_m) elif mod == 16: for k in range(n_symb): wordI = data[2*k*N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word] wordQ = data[2*k*N_word+N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word+N_word] x_IQ[k] = (2*bin2gray2[,w)] - x_m) + \ 1j*(2*bin2gray2[,w)] - x_m) elif mod == 64: for k in range(n_symb): wordI = data[2*k*N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word] wordQ = data[2*k*N_word+N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word+N_word] x_IQ[k] = (2*bin2gray3[,w)] - x_m) + \ 1j*(2*bin2gray3[,w)] - x_m) elif mod == 256: for k in range(n_symb): wordI = data[2*k*N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word] wordQ = data[2*k*N_word+N_word:(2*k+1)*N_word+N_word] x_IQ[k] = (2*bin2gray4[,w)] - x_m) + \ 1j*(2*bin2gray4[,w)] - x_m) else: raise ValueError('M must be 2, 4, 16, 64, 256') if ns > 1: # Design the pulse shaping filter to be of duration 12 # symbols and fix the excess bandwidth factor at alpha = 0.35 if pulse.lower() == 'src': b = sqrt_rc_imp(ns, alpha, m_span) elif pulse.lower() == 'rc': b = rc_imp(ns, alpha, m_span) elif pulse.lower() == 'rect': b = np.ones(int(ns)) #alt. rect. pulse shape else: raise ValueError('pulse shape must be src, rc, or rect') # Filter the impulse train signal x = signal.lfilter(b, 1, upsample(x_IQ, ns)) # Scale shaping filter to have unity DC gain b = b/sum(b) return x/x_m, b, data else: return x_IQ/x_m, 1, data
[docs]def qam_gray_decode(x_hat, mod=4): """ Decode MQAM IQ symbols to a serial bit stream using gray2bin decoding x_hat = symbol spaced samples of the QAM waveform taken at the maximum eye opening. Normally this is following the matched filter Mark Wickert April 2018 """ # Inverse Gray code LUTs for 4, 16, 64, and 256 QAM # which employs M = 2, 4, 6, and 8 bits per symbol gray2bin1 = [0,1] gray2bin2 = [0,1,3,2] gray2bin3 = [0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4] # arange(8) gray2bin4 = [0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4,12,13,15,14,10,11,9,8] x_m = np.sqrt(mod) - 1 if mod == 2: x_m = 1 N_symb = len(x_hat) N_word = int(np.log2(mod) / 2) # Scale input up by x_m #x_hat = x_hat*x_m # Scale adaptively assuming var(x_hat) is proportional to # signal power using a known relationship for QAM. x_hat = x_hat/(np.std(x_hat) * np.sqrt(3 / (2 * (mod - 1)))) k_hat_gray = (x_hat + x_m*(1+1j))/2 # Soft IQ symbol values are converted to hard symbol decisions k_hat_grayI = np.int16(np.clip(np.rint(k_hat_gray.real),0,x_m)) k_hat_grayQ = np.int16(np.clip(np.rint(k_hat_gray.imag),0,x_m)) data_hat = np.zeros(2*N_word*N_symb,dtype=int) # Create the serial bit stream [Ibits,Qbits,Ibits,Qbits,...], msb to lsb for k in range(N_symb): if mod == 2: # special case for BPSK data_hat = k_hat_grayI elif mod == 4: # total points of the square constellation data_hat[2*k*N_word:2*(k+1)*N_word] \ = np.hstack((to_bin(gray2bin1[k_hat_grayI[k]],N_word), to_bin(gray2bin1[k_hat_grayQ[k]],N_word))) elif mod == 16: data_hat[2*k*N_word:2*(k+1)*N_word] \ = np.hstack((to_bin(gray2bin2[k_hat_grayI[k]],N_word), to_bin(gray2bin2[k_hat_grayQ[k]],N_word))) elif mod == 64: data_hat[2*k*N_word:2*(k+1)*N_word] \ = np.hstack((to_bin(gray2bin3[k_hat_grayI[k]],N_word), to_bin(gray2bin3[k_hat_grayQ[k]],N_word))) elif mod == 256: data_hat[2*k*N_word:2*(k+1)*N_word] \ = np.hstack((to_bin(gray2bin4[k_hat_grayI[k]],N_word), to_bin(gray2bin4[k_hat_grayQ[k]],N_word))) else: raise ValueError('M must be 2, 4, 16, 64, 256') return data_hat
[docs]def mpsk_gray_encode_bb(n_symb, ns, mod=4, pulse='rect', alpha=0.35, m_span=6, ext_data=None): """ MPSK_gray_bb: A gray code mapped MPSK complex baseband transmitter x,b,tx_data = MPSK_gray_bb(K,Ns,M) Parameters ---------- n_symb : the number of symbols to process ns : number of samples per symbol mod : modulation order: 2, 4, 8, 16 MPSK alpha : squareroot raised cosine excess bandwidth factor. Can range over 0 < alpha < 1. pulse : 'rect', 'src', or 'rc' Returns ------- x : complex baseband digital modulation b : transmitter shaping filter, rectangle or SRC tx_data : xI+1j*xQ = inphase symbol sequence + 1j*quadrature symbol sequence Mark Wickert November 2018 """ # Create a random bit stream then encode using gray code mapping # Gray code LUTs for 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 MPSK # which employs M = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 bits per symbol bin2gray1 = [0,1] bin2gray2 = [0,1,3,2] bin2gray3 = [0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5] bin2gray4 = [0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5,15,14,12,13,8,9,11,10] bin2gray5 = [0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5,15,14,12,13,8,9,11,10,31,30, 28,29,24,25,27,26,16,17,19,18,23,22,20,21] # Create the serial bit stream msb to lsb # except for the case M = 2 N_word = int(np.log2(mod)) if n_symb == None: # Truncate so an integer number of symbols is formed n_symb = int(np.floor(len(ext_data) / N_word)) data = ext_data[:n_symb * N_word] else: data = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=int(np.log2(mod)) * n_symb) x_IQ = np.zeros(n_symb, dtype=np.complex128) # binary weights for converting binary to decimal using dot() bin_wgts = 2**np.arange(N_word-1,-1,-1) if mod == 2: # Special case of BPSK for convenience x_IQ = 2*data - 1 elif mod == 4: # total constellation points for k in range(n_symb): word_phase = data[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] x_phase = 2 * np.pi * bin2gray2[,bin_wgts)] / mod + np.pi / mod x_IQ[k] = np.exp(1j*x_phase) elif mod == 8: for k in range(n_symb): word_phase = data[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] x_phase = 2 * np.pi * bin2gray3[,bin_wgts)] / mod x_IQ[k] = np.exp(1j*x_phase) elif mod == 16: for k in range(n_symb): word_phase = data[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] x_phase = 2 * np.pi * bin2gray4[,bin_wgts)] / mod x_IQ[k] = np.exp(1j*x_phase) elif mod == 32: for k in range(n_symb): word_phase = data[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] x_phase = 2 * np.pi * bin2gray5[,bin_wgts)] / mod x_IQ[k] = np.exp(1j*x_phase) else: raise ValueError('M must be 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32') if ns > 1: # Design the pulse shaping filter to be of duration 12 # symbols and fix the excess bandwidth factor at alpha = 0.35 if pulse.lower() == 'src': b = sqrt_rc_imp(ns, alpha, m_span) elif pulse.lower() == 'rc': b = rc_imp(ns, alpha, m_span) elif pulse.lower() == 'rect': b = np.ones(int(ns)) #alt. rect. pulse shape else: raise ValueError('pulse shape must be src, rc, or rect') # Filter the impulse train signal x = signal.lfilter(b, 1, upsample(x_IQ, ns)) # Scale shaping filter to have unity DC gain b = b/sum(b) return x, b, data else: return x_IQ, 1, data
[docs]def mpsk_gray_decode(x_hat, mod=4): """ Decode MPSK IQ symbols to a serial bit stream using gray2bin decoding Parameters ---------- x_hat : symbol spaced samples of the MPSK waveform taken at the maximum eye opening. Normally this is following the matched filter mod : Modulation scheme Mark Wickert November 2018 """ # Inverse Gray code LUTs for 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 MPSK # which employs M = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 bits per symbol gray2bin1 = [0,1] gray2bin2 = [0,1,3,2] gray2bin3 = [0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4] gray2bin4 = [0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4,12,13,15,14,10,11,9,8] gray2bin5 = [0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4,12,13,15,14,10,11,9,8,24,25, 27,26,30,31,29,28,20,21,23,22,18,19,17,16] N_symb = len(x_hat) N_word = int(np.log2(mod)) # Soft IQ symbol angle values are converted to hard symbol decisions as # decimal angles over the range [0, M-1] if mod == 4: # For QPSK (M=4) rotate constellation angles to start at zero k_hat_gray_theta = np.mod(np.int64(np.rint(np.angle(x_hat *\ np.exp(-1j*np.pi/4)) * mod / 2 / np.pi)), mod) else: #k_hat_gray_theta = np.mod(np.int64(np.rint(np.angle(x_hat)*M/2/np.pi)),M) k_hat_gray_theta = np.mod((np.rint(np.angle(x_hat) * mod / 2 / np.pi)).astype(, mod) data_hat = np.zeros(N_symb*N_word,dtype=int) # Create the serial bit stream using Gray decoding, msb to lsb for k in range(N_symb): if mod == 2: # special case for BPSK data_hat[k] = k_hat_gray_theta[k] elif mod == 4: # total points of the square constellation data_hat[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] \ = to_bin(gray2bin2[k_hat_gray_theta[k]],N_word) elif mod == 8: data_hat[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] \ = to_bin(gray2bin3[k_hat_gray_theta[k]],N_word) elif mod == 16: data_hat[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] \ = to_bin(gray2bin4[k_hat_gray_theta[k]],N_word) elif mod == 32: data_hat[k*N_word:(k+1)*N_word] \ = to_bin(gray2bin5[k_hat_gray_theta[k]],N_word) else: raise ValueError('M must be 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32') return data_hat
[docs]def mpsk_bep_thy(snr_dB, mod, eb_n0_mode=True): """ Approximate the bit error probability of MPSK assuming Gray encoding Mark Wickert November 2018 """ if eb_n0_mode: EsN0_dB = snr_dB + 10 * np.log10(np.log2(mod)) else: EsN0_dB = snr_dB Symb2Bits = np.log2(mod) if mod == 2: BEP = q_fctn(np.sqrt(2 * 10 ** (EsN0_dB / 10))) else: SEP = 2 * q_fctn(np.sqrt(2 * 10 ** (EsN0_dB / 10)) * np.sin(np.pi / mod)) BEP = SEP/Symb2Bits return BEP
[docs]def qam_bep_thy(snr_dB, mod, eb_n0_mode=True): """ Approximate the bit error probability of QAM assuming Gray encoding Mark Wickert November 2018 """ if eb_n0_mode: EsN0_dB = snr_dB + 10 * np.log10(np.log2(mod)) else: EsN0_dB = snr_dB if mod == 2: BEP = q_fctn(np.sqrt(2 * 10 ** (EsN0_dB / 10))) elif mod > 2: SEP = 4 * (1 - 1 / np.sqrt(mod)) * q_fctn(np.sqrt(3 / (mod - 1) * 10 ** (EsN0_dB / 10))) BEP = SEP/np.log2(mod) return BEP