Source code for sk_dsp_comm.fec_conv

A Convolutional Encoding and Decoding

Copyright (c) March 2017, Mark Wickert
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A forward error correcting coding (FEC) class which defines methods 
for performing convolutional encoding and decoding. Arbitrary 
polynomials are supported, but the rate is presently limited to r = 1/n,
where n = 2. Punctured (perforated) convolutional codes are also supported. 
The puncturing pattern (matrix) is arbitrary.

Two popular encoder polynomial sets are:

K = 3 ==> G1 = '111', G2 = '101' and 
K = 7 ==> G1 = '1011011', G2 = '1111001'.

A popular puncturing pattern to convert from rate 1/2 to rate 3/4 is
a G1 output puncture pattern of '110' and a G2 output puncture 
pattern of '101'.

Graphical display functions are included to allow the user to
better understand the operation of the Viterbi decoder.

Mark Wickert and Andrew Smit: October 2018.
import numpy as np
from math import factorial
from fractions import Fraction
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
from .digitalcom import Q_fctn
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
import warnings

# Data structure support classes
[docs]class trellis_nodes(object): """ A structure to hold the trellis from nodes and to nodes. Ns is the number of states = :math:`2^{(K-1)}`. """ def __init__(self,Ns): self.Ns = Ns self.fn = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) self.out_bits = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int)
[docs]class trellis_branches(object): """ A structure to hold the trellis states, bits, and input values for both '1' and '0' transitions. Ns is the number of states = :math:`2^{(K-1)}`. """ def __init__(self,Ns): self.Ns = Ns self.states1 = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) self.states2 = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) self.bits1 = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) self.bits2 = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) self.input1 = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int) self.input2 = np.zeros((Ns,1),dtype=int)
[docs]class trellis_paths(object): """ A structure to hold the trellis paths in terms of traceback_states, cumulative_metrics, and traceback_bits. A full decision depth history of all this infomation is not essential, but does allow the graphical depiction created by the method traceback_plot(). Ns is the number of states = :math:`2^{(K-1)}` and D is the decision depth. As a rule, D should be about 5 times K. """ def __init__(self,Ns,D): self.Ns = Ns self.decision_depth = D self.traceback_states = np.zeros((Ns,self.decision_depth),dtype=int) self.cumulative_metric = np.zeros((Ns,self.decision_depth),dtype=float) self.traceback_bits = np.zeros((Ns,self.decision_depth),dtype=int)
[docs]def binary(num, length=8): """ Format an integer to binary without the leading '0b' """ return format(num, '0{}b'.format(length))
[docs]class fec_conv(object): """ Class responsible for creating rate 1/2 convolutional code objects, and then encoding and decoding the user code set in polynomials of G. Key methods provided include :func:`conv_encoder`, :func:`viterbi_decoder`, :func:`puncture`, :func:`depuncture`, :func:`trellis_plot`, and :func:`traceback_plot`. Parameters ---------- G: A tuple of two binary strings corresponding to the encoder polynomials Depth: The decision depth employed by the Viterbi decoder method Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> from sk_dsp_comm import fec_conv >>> # Rate 1/2 >>> cc1 = fec_conv.fec_conv(('101', '111'), Depth=10) # decision depth is 10 >>> # Rate 1/3 >>> from sk_dsp_comm import fec_conv >>> cc2 = fec_conv.fec_conv(('101','011','111'), Depth=15) # decision depth is 15 """ def __init__(self,G = ('111','101'), Depth = 10): """ cc1 = fec_conv(G = ('111','101'), Depth = 10) Instantiate a Rate 1/2 or Rate 1/3 convolutional coder/decoder object. Polys G1 and G2 are entered as binary strings, e.g, Rate 1/2 G1 = '111' and G2 = '101' for K = 3 and G1 = '1111001' and G2 = '1011011' for K = 7. Rate 1/3 G1 = '111', G2 = '011' and G3 = '101' for K = 3 and G1 = '1111001', G2 = '1100101' and G3 = '1011011' for K= 7 The rate will automatically be selected by the number of G polynomials (only rate 1/2 and 1/3 are available) Viterbi decoding has a decision depth of Depth. Data structures than manage the VA are created upon instantiation via the __init__ method. Other ideal polynomial considerations (taken from "Introduction to Digital Communication" Second Edition by Ziemer and Peterson: Rate 1/2 K=3 ('111','101') K=4 ('1111','1101') K=5 ('11101','10011') K=6 ('111101','101011') K=7 ('1111001','1011011') K=8 ('11111001','10100111') K=9 ('111101011','101110001') Rate 1/3 K=3 ('111','111','101') K=4 ('1111','1101','1011') K=5 ('11111','11011','10101') K=6 ('111101','101011','100111') K=7 ('1111001','1100101','1011011') K=8 ('11110111','11011001','10010101') Mark Wickert and Andrew Smit October 2018 """ self.G_polys = G self.constraint_length = len(self.G_polys[0]) self.Nstates = 2**(self.constraint_length-1) # number of states self.decision_depth = Depth self.input_zero = trellis_nodes(self.Nstates) self.input_one = trellis_nodes(self.Nstates) self.paths = trellis_paths(self.Nstates,self.decision_depth) self.rate = Fraction(1,len(G)) if(len(G) == 2 or len(G) == 3):'Rate %s Object' %(self.rate)) else: warnings.warn('Invalid rate. Use Rate 1/2 or 1/3 only') raise ValueError('Invalid rate. Use Rate 1/2 or 1/3 only') pass for m in range(self.Nstates): self.input_zero.fn[m] = m self.input_one.fn[m] = m # state labeling with LSB on right (more common) output0,state0 = self.conv_encoder([0], binary(m,self.constraint_length-1)) output1,state1 = self.conv_encoder([1], binary(m,self.constraint_length-1))[m] = int(state0,2)[m] = int(state1,2) if(self.rate == Fraction(1,2)): self.input_zero.out_bits[m] = 2*output0[0] + output0[1] self.input_one.out_bits[m] = 2*output1[0] + output1[1] elif(self.rate == Fraction(1,3)): self.input_zero.out_bits[m] = 4*output0[0] + 2*output0[1] + output0[2] self.input_one.out_bits[m] = 4*output1[0] + 2*output1[1] + output1[2] # Now organize the results into a branches_from structure that holds the # from state, the u2 u1 bit sequence in decimal form, and the input bit. # The index where this information is stored is the to state where survivors # are chosen from the two input branches. self.branches = trellis_branches(self.Nstates) for m in range(self.Nstates): match_zero_idx = np.where( == m) match_one_idx = np.where( == m) if len(match_zero_idx[0]) != 0: self.branches.states1[m] = self.input_zero.fn[match_zero_idx[0][0]] self.branches.states2[m] = self.input_zero.fn[match_zero_idx[0][1]] self.branches.bits1[m] = self.input_zero.out_bits[match_zero_idx[0][0]] self.branches.bits2[m] = self.input_zero.out_bits[match_zero_idx[0][1]] self.branches.input1[m] = 0 self.branches.input2[m] = 0 elif len(match_one_idx[0]) != 0: self.branches.states1[m] = self.input_one.fn[match_one_idx[0][0]] self.branches.states2[m] = self.input_one.fn[match_one_idx[0][1]] self.branches.bits1[m] = self.input_one.out_bits[match_one_idx[0][0]] self.branches.bits2[m] = self.input_one.out_bits[match_one_idx[0][1]] self.branches.input1[m] = 1 self.branches.input2[m] = 1 else: log.error('branch calculation error') return
[docs] def viterbi_decoder(self,x,metric_type='soft',quant_level=3): """ A method which performs Viterbi decoding of noisy bit stream, taking as input soft bit values centered on +/-1 and returning hard decision 0/1 bits. Parameters ---------- x: Received noisy bit values centered on +/-1 at one sample per bit metric_type: 'hard' - Hard decision metric. Expects binary or 0/1 input values. 'unquant' - unquantized soft decision decoding. Expects +/-1 input values. 'soft' - soft decision decoding. quant_level: The quantization level for soft decoding. Expected input values between 0 and 2^quant_level-1. 0 represents the most confident 0 and 2^quant_level-1 represents the most confident 1. Only used for 'soft' metric type. Returns ------- y: Decoded 0/1 bit stream Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from numpy.random import randint >>> import sk_dsp_comm.fec_conv as fec >>> import sk_dsp_comm.digitalcom as dc >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # Soft decision rate 1/2 simulation >>> N_bits_per_frame = 10000 >>> EbN0 = 4 >>> total_bit_errors = 0 >>> total_bit_count = 0 >>> cc1 = fec.fec_conv(('11101','10011'),25) >>> # Encode with shift register starting state of '0000' >>> state = '0000' >>> while total_bit_errors < 100: >>> # Create 100000 random 0/1 bits >>> x = randint(0,2,N_bits_per_frame) >>> y,state = cc1.conv_encoder(x,state) >>> # Add channel noise to bits, include antipodal level shift to [-1,1] >>> yn_soft = dc.cpx_AWGN(2*y-1,EbN0-3,1) # Channel SNR is 3 dB less for rate 1/2 >>> yn_hard = ((np.sign(yn_soft.real)+1)/2).astype(int) >>> z = cc1.viterbi_decoder(yn_hard,'hard') >>> # Count bit errors >>> bit_count, bit_errors = dc.bit_errors(x,z) >>> total_bit_errors += bit_errors >>> total_bit_count += bit_count >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) >>> print('*****************************************************') >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) Rate 1/2 Object kmax = 0, taumax = 0 Bits Received = 9976, Bit errors = 77, BEP = 7.72e-03 kmax = 0, taumax = 0 Bits Received = 19952, Bit errors = 175, BEP = 8.77e-03 ***************************************************** Bits Received = 19952, Bit errors = 175, BEP = 8.77e-03 >>> # Consider the trellis traceback after the sim completes >>> cc1.traceback_plot() >>> >>> # Compare a collection of simulation results with soft decision >>> # bounds >>> SNRdB = np.arange(0,12,.1) >>> Pb_uc = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,7,[4, 12, 20, 72, 225],SNRdB,2) >>> Pb_s_third_3 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,8,[3, 0, 15],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_4 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,10,[6, 0, 6, 0],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_5 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,12,[12, 0, 12, 0, 56],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_6 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,13,[1, 8, 26, 20, 19, 62],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_7 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,14,[1, 0, 20, 0, 53, 0, 184],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_8 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,16,[1, 0, 24, 0, 113, 0, 287, 0],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_half = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/2,7,[4, 12, 20, 72, 225],SNRdB,1) >>> plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_uc) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_3,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_4,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_5,'g') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_6,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_7,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_8,'--') >>> plt.semilogy([0,1,2,3,4,5],[9.08e-02,2.73e-02,6.52e-03,\ 8.94e-04,8.54e-05,5e-6],'gs') >>> plt.axis([0,12,1e-7,1e0]) >>> plt.title(r'Soft Decision Rate 1/2 Coding Measurements') >>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_b/N_0$ (dB)') >>> plt.ylabel(r'Symbol Error Probability') >>> plt.legend(('Uncoded BPSK','R=1/3, K=3, Soft',\ 'R=1/3, K=4, Soft','R=1/3, K=5, Soft',\ 'R=1/3, K=6, Soft','R=1/3, K=7, Soft',\ 'R=1/3, K=8, Soft','R=1/3, K=5, Sim', \ 'Simulation'),loc='upper right') >>> plt.grid(); >>> >>> # Hard decision rate 1/3 simulation >>> N_bits_per_frame = 10000 >>> EbN0 = 3 >>> total_bit_errors = 0 >>> total_bit_count = 0 >>> cc2 = fec.fec_conv(('11111','11011','10101'),25) >>> # Encode with shift register starting state of '0000' >>> state = '0000' >>> while total_bit_errors < 100: >>> # Create 100000 random 0/1 bits >>> x = randint(0,2,N_bits_per_frame) >>> y,state = cc2.conv_encoder(x,state) >>> # Add channel noise to bits, include antipodal level shift to [-1,1] >>> yn_soft = dc.cpx_AWGN(2*y-1,EbN0-10*np.log10(3),1) # Channel SNR is 10*log10(3) dB less >>> yn_hard = ((np.sign(yn_soft.real)+1)/2).astype(int) >>> z = cc2.viterbi_decoder(yn_hard.real,'hard') >>> # Count bit errors >>> bit_count, bit_errors = dc.bit_errors(x,z) >>> total_bit_errors += bit_errors >>> total_bit_count += bit_count >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) >>> print('*****************************************************') >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) Rate 1/3 Object kmax = 0, taumax = 0 Bits Received = 9976, Bit errors = 251, BEP = 2.52e-02 ***************************************************** Bits Received = 9976, Bit errors = 251, BEP = 2.52e-02 >>> # Compare a collection of simulation results with hard decision >>> # bounds >>> SNRdB = np.arange(0,12,.1) >>> Pb_uc = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,7,[4, 12, 20, 72, 225],SNRdB,2) >>> Pb_s_third_3_hard = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,8,[3, 0, 15, 0, 58, 0, 201, 0],SNRdB,0) >>> Pb_s_third_5_hard = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,12,[12, 0, 12, 0, 56, 0, 320, 0],SNRdB,0) >>> Pb_s_third_7_hard = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,14,[1, 0, 20, 0, 53, 0, 184],SNRdB,0) >>> Pb_s_third_5_hard_sim = np.array([8.94e-04,1.11e-04,8.73e-06]) >>> plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_uc) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_3_hard,'r--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_5_hard,'g--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_7_hard,'k--') >>> plt.semilogy(np.array([5,6,7]),Pb_s_third_5_hard_sim,'sg') >>> plt.axis([0,12,1e-7,1e0]) >>> plt.title(r'Hard Decision Rate 1/3 Coding Measurements') >>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_b/N_0$ (dB)') >>> plt.ylabel(r'Symbol Error Probability') >>> plt.legend(('Uncoded BPSK','R=1/3, K=3, Hard',\ 'R=1/3, K=5, Hard', 'R=1/3, K=7, Hard',\ ),loc='upper right') >>> plt.grid(); >>> >>> # Show the traceback for the rate 1/3 hard decision case >>> cc2.traceback_plot() """ if metric_type == 'hard': # If hard decision must have 0/1 integers for input else float if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer): if x.max() > 1 or x.min() < 0: raise ValueError('Integer bit values must be 0 or 1') else: raise ValueError('Decoder inputs must be integers on [0,1] for hard decisions') # Initialize cumulative metrics array cm_present = np.zeros((self.Nstates,1)) NS = len(x) # number of channel symbols to process; # must be even for rate 1/2 # must be a multiple of 3 for rate 1/3 y = np.zeros(NS-self.decision_depth) # Decoded bit sequence k = 0 symbolL = self.rate.denominator # Calculate branch metrics and update traceback states and traceback bits for n in range(0,NS,symbolL): cm_past = self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,0] tb_states_temp = self.paths.traceback_states[:,:-1].copy() tb_bits_temp = self.paths.traceback_bits[:,:-1].copy() for m in range(self.Nstates): d1 = self.bm_calc(self.branches.bits1[m], x[n:n+symbolL],metric_type, quant_level) d1 = d1 + cm_past[self.branches.states1[m]] d2 = self.bm_calc(self.branches.bits2[m], x[n:n+symbolL],metric_type, quant_level) d2 = d2 + cm_past[self.branches.states2[m]] if d1 <= d2: # Find the survivor assuming minimum distance wins cm_present[m] = d1 self.paths.traceback_states[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.states1[m], tb_states_temp[int(self.branches.states1[m]),:])) self.paths.traceback_bits[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.input1[m], tb_bits_temp[int(self.branches.states1[m]),:])) else: cm_present[m] = d2 self.paths.traceback_states[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.states2[m], tb_states_temp[int(self.branches.states2[m]),:])) self.paths.traceback_bits[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.input2[m], tb_bits_temp[int(self.branches.states2[m]),:])) # Update cumulative metric history self.paths.cumulative_metric = np.hstack((cm_present, self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,:-1])) # Obtain estimate of input bit sequence from the oldest bit in # the traceback having the smallest (most likely) cumulative metric min_metric = min(self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,0]) min_idx = np.where(self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,0] == min_metric) if n >= symbolL*self.decision_depth-symbolL: # 2 since Rate = 1/2 y[k] = self.paths.traceback_bits[min_idx[0][0],-1] k += 1 y = y[:k] # trim final length return y
[docs] def bm_calc(self,ref_code_bits, rec_code_bits, metric_type, quant_level): """ distance = bm_calc(ref_code_bits, rec_code_bits, metric_type) Branch metrics calculation Mark Wickert and Andrew Smit October 2018 """ distance = 0 if metric_type == 'soft': # squared distance metric bits = binary(int(ref_code_bits),self.rate.denominator) for k in range(len(bits)): ref_bit = (2**quant_level-1)*int(bits[k],2) distance += (int(rec_code_bits[k]) - ref_bit)**2 elif metric_type == 'hard': # hard decisions bits = binary(int(ref_code_bits),self.rate.denominator) for k in range(len(rec_code_bits)): distance += abs(rec_code_bits[k] - int(bits[k])) elif metric_type == 'unquant': # unquantized bits = binary(int(ref_code_bits),self.rate.denominator) for k in range(len(bits)): distance += (float(rec_code_bits[k])-float(bits[k]))**2 else: warnings.warn('Invalid metric type specified') raise ValueError('Invalid metric type specified. Use soft, hard, or unquant') return distance
[docs] def conv_encoder(self,input,state): """ output, state = conv_encoder(input,state) We get the 1/2 or 1/3 rate from self.rate Polys G1 and G2 are entered as binary strings, e.g, G1 = '111' and G2 = '101' for K = 3 G1 = '1011011' and G2 = '1111001' for K = 7 G3 is also included for rate 1/3 Input state as a binary string of length K-1, e.g., '00' or '0000000' e.g., state = '00' for K = 3 e.g., state = '000000' for K = 7 Mark Wickert and Andrew Smit 2018 """ output = [] if(self.rate == Fraction(1,2)): for n in range(len(input)): u1 = int(input[n]) u2 = int(input[n]) for m in range(1,self.constraint_length): if int(self.G_polys[0][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u1 = u1 ^ int(state[m-1]) if int(self.G_polys[1][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u2 = u2 ^ int(state[m-1]) # G1 placed first, G2 placed second output = np.hstack((output, [u1, u2])) state = bin(int(input[n]))[-1] + state[:-1] elif(self.rate == Fraction(1,3)): for n in range(len(input)): if(int(self.G_polys[0][0]) == 1): u1 = int(input[n]) else: u1 = 0 if(int(self.G_polys[1][0]) == 1): u2 = int(input[n]) else: u2 = 0 if(int(self.G_polys[2][0]) == 1): u3 = int(input[n]) else: u3 = 0 for m in range(1,self.constraint_length): if int(self.G_polys[0][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u1 = u1 ^ int(state[m-1]) if int(self.G_polys[1][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u2 = u2 ^ int(state[m-1]) if int(self.G_polys[2][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u3 = u3 ^ int(state[m-1]) # G1 placed first, G2 placed second, G3 placed third output = np.hstack((output, [u1, u2, u3])) state = bin(int(input[n]))[-1] + state[:-1] return output, state
[docs] def puncture(self,code_bits,puncture_pattern = ('110','101')): """ Apply puncturing to the serial bits produced by convolutionally encoding. :param code_bits: :param puncture_pattern: :return: Examples -------- This example uses the following puncture matrix: .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\mathbf{A} = \\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 \\\\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\end{bmatrix} \\end{align*} The upper row operates on the outputs for the :math:`G_{1}` polynomial and the lower row operates on the outputs of the :math:`G_{2}` polynomial. >>> import numpy as np >>> from sk_dsp_comm.fec_conv import fec_conv >>> cc = fec_conv(('101','111')) >>> x = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) >>> state = '00' >>> y, state = cc.conv_encoder(x, state) >>> cc.puncture(y, ('110','101')) array([ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0.]) """ # Check to see that the length of code_bits is consistent with a rate # 1/2 code. L_pp = len(puncture_pattern[0]) N_codewords = int(np.floor(len(code_bits)/float(2))) if 2*N_codewords != len(code_bits): warnings.warn('Number of code bits must be even!') warnings.warn('Truncating bits to be compatible.') code_bits = code_bits[:2*N_codewords] # Extract the G1 and G2 encoded bits from the serial stream. # Assume the stream is of the form [G1 G2 G1 G2 ... ] x_G1 = code_bits.reshape(N_codewords,2).take([0], axis=1).reshape(1,N_codewords).flatten() x_G2 = code_bits.reshape(N_codewords,2).take([1], axis=1).reshape(1,N_codewords).flatten() # Check to see that the length of x_G1 and x_G2 is consistent with the # length of the puncture pattern N_punct_periods = int(np.floor(N_codewords/float(L_pp))) if L_pp*N_punct_periods != N_codewords: warnings.warn('Code bit length is not a multiple pp = %d!' % L_pp) warnings.warn('Truncating bits to be compatible.') x_G1 = x_G1[:L_pp*N_punct_periods] x_G2 = x_G2[:L_pp*N_punct_periods] #Puncture x_G1 and x_G1 g1_pp1 = [k for k,g1 in enumerate(puncture_pattern[0]) if g1 == '1'] g2_pp1 = [k for k,g2 in enumerate(puncture_pattern[1]) if g2 == '1'] N_pp = len(g1_pp1) y_G1 = x_G1.reshape(N_punct_periods,L_pp).take(g1_pp1, axis=1).reshape(N_pp*N_punct_periods,1) y_G2 = x_G2.reshape(N_punct_periods,L_pp).take(g2_pp1, axis=1).reshape(N_pp*N_punct_periods,1) # Interleave y_G1 and y_G2 for modulation via a serial bit stream y = np.hstack((y_G1,y_G2)).reshape(1,2*N_pp*N_punct_periods).flatten() return y
[docs] def depuncture(self,soft_bits,puncture_pattern = ('110','101'), erase_value = 3.5): """ Apply de-puncturing to the soft bits coming from the channel. Erasure bits are inserted to return the soft bit values back to a form that can be Viterbi decoded. :param soft_bits: :param puncture_pattern: :param erase_value: :return: Examples -------- This example uses the following puncture matrix: .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\mathbf{A} = \\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 \\\\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\end{bmatrix} \\end{align*} The upper row operates on the outputs for the :math:`G_{1}` polynomial and the lower row operates on the outputs of the :math:`G_{2}` polynomial. >>> import numpy as np >>> from sk_dsp_comm.fec_conv import fec_conv >>> cc = fec_conv(('101','111')) >>> x = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) >>> state = '00' >>> y, state = cc.conv_encoder(x, state) >>> yp = cc.puncture(y, ('110','101')) >>> cc.depuncture(yp, ('110', '101'), 1) array([ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0.] """ # Check to see that the length of soft_bits is consistent with a rate # 1/2 code. L_pp = len(puncture_pattern[0]) L_pp1 = len([g1 for g1 in puncture_pattern[0] if g1 == '1']) L_pp0 = len([g1 for g1 in puncture_pattern[0] if g1 == '0']) #L_pp0 = len([g1 for g1 in pp1 if g1 == '0']) N_softwords = int(np.floor(len(soft_bits)/float(2))) if 2*N_softwords != len(soft_bits): warnings.warn('Number of soft bits must be even!') warnings.warn('Truncating bits to be compatible.') soft_bits = soft_bits[:2*N_softwords] # Extract the G1p and G2p encoded bits from the serial stream. # Assume the stream is of the form [G1p G2p G1p G2p ... ], # which for QPSK may be of the form [Ip Qp Ip Qp Ip Qp ... ] x_G1 = soft_bits.reshape(N_softwords,2).take([0], axis=1).reshape(1,N_softwords).flatten() x_G2 = soft_bits.reshape(N_softwords,2).take([1], axis=1).reshape(1,N_softwords).flatten() # Check to see that the length of x_G1 and x_G2 is consistent with the # puncture length period of the soft bits N_punct_periods = int(np.floor(N_softwords/float(L_pp1))) if L_pp1*N_punct_periods != N_softwords: warnings.warn('Number of soft bits per puncture period is %d' % L_pp1) warnings.warn('The number of soft bits is not a multiple') warnings.warn('Truncating soft bits to be compatible.') x_G1 = x_G1[:L_pp1*N_punct_periods] x_G2 = x_G2[:L_pp1*N_punct_periods] x_G1 = x_G1.reshape(N_punct_periods,L_pp1) x_G2 = x_G2.reshape(N_punct_periods,L_pp1) #Depuncture x_G1 and x_G1 g1_pp1 = [k for k,g1 in enumerate(puncture_pattern[0]) if g1 == '1'] g1_pp0 = [k for k,g1 in enumerate(puncture_pattern[0]) if g1 == '0'] g2_pp1 = [k for k,g2 in enumerate(puncture_pattern[1]) if g2 == '1'] g2_pp0 = [k for k,g2 in enumerate(puncture_pattern[1]) if g2 == '0'] x_E = erase_value*np.ones((N_punct_periods,L_pp0)) y_G1 = np.hstack((x_G1,x_E)) y_G2 = np.hstack((x_G2,x_E)) [g1_pp1.append(val) for idx,val in enumerate(g1_pp0)] g1_comp = list(zip(g1_pp1,list(range(L_pp)))) g1_comp.sort() G1_col_permute = [g1_comp[idx][1] for idx in range(L_pp)] [g2_pp1.append(val) for idx,val in enumerate(g2_pp0)] g2_comp = list(zip(g2_pp1,list(range(L_pp)))) g2_comp.sort() G2_col_permute = [g2_comp[idx][1] for idx in range(L_pp)] #permute columns to place erasure bits in the correct position y = np.hstack((y_G1[:,G1_col_permute].reshape(L_pp*N_punct_periods,1), y_G2[:,G2_col_permute].reshape(L_pp*N_punct_periods, 1))).reshape(1,2*L_pp*N_punct_periods).flatten() return y
[docs] def trellis_plot(self,fsize=(6,4)): """ Plots a trellis diagram of the possible state transitions. Parameters ---------- fsize : Plot size for matplotlib. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm.fec_conv import fec_conv >>> cc = fec_conv() >>> cc.trellis_plot() >>> """ branches_from = self.branches plt.figure(figsize=fsize) plt.plot(0,0,'.') plt.axis([-0.01, 1.01, -(self.Nstates-1)-0.05, 0.05]) for m in range(self.Nstates): if branches_from.input1[m] == 0: plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states1[m], -m],'b') plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states1[m], -m],'r.') if branches_from.input2[m] == 0: plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states2[m], -m],'b') plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states2[m], -m],'r.') if branches_from.input1[m] == 1: plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states1[m], -m],'g') plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states1[m], -m],'r.') if branches_from.input2[m] == 1: plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states2[m], -m],'g') plt.plot([0, 1],[-branches_from.states2[m], -m],'r.') #plt.grid() plt.xlabel('One Symbol Transition') plt.ylabel('-State Index') msg = 'Rate %s, K = %d Trellis' %(self.rate, int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.Nstates)+1))) plt.title(msg)
[docs] def traceback_plot(self,fsize=(6,4)): """ Plots a path of the possible last 4 states. Parameters ---------- fsize : Plot size for matplotlib. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from sk_dsp_comm.fec_conv import fec_conv >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc >>> import numpy as np >>> cc = fec_conv() >>> x = np.random.randint(0,2,100) >>> state = '00' >>> y,state = cc.conv_encoder(x,state) >>> # Add channel noise to bits translated to +1/-1 >>> yn = dc.cpx_AWGN(2*y-1,5,1) # SNR = 5 dB >>> # Translate noisy +1/-1 bits to soft values on [0,7] >>> yn = (yn.real+1)/2*7 >>> z = cc.viterbi_decoder(yn) >>> cc.traceback_plot() >>> """ traceback_states = self.paths.traceback_states plt.figure(figsize=fsize) plt.axis([-self.decision_depth+1, 0, -(self.Nstates-1)-0.5, 0.5]) M,N = traceback_states.shape traceback_states = -traceback_states[:,::-1] plt.plot(range(-(N-1),0+1),traceback_states.T) plt.xlabel('Traceback Symbol Periods') plt.ylabel('State Index $0$ to -$2^{(K-1)}$') plt.title('Survivor Paths Traced Back From All %d States' % self.Nstates) plt.grid()
[docs]def conv_Pb_bound(R,dfree,Ck,SNRdB,hard_soft,M=2): """ Coded bit error probabilty Convolution coding bit error probability upper bound according to Ziemer & Peterson 7-16, p. 507 Mark Wickert November 2014 Parameters ---------- R: Code rate dfree: Free distance of the code Ck: Weight coefficient SNRdB: Signal to noise ratio in dB hard_soft: 0 hard, 1 soft, 2 uncoded M: M-ary Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sk_dsp_comm import fec_conv as fec >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> SNRdB = np.arange(2,12,.1) >>> Pb = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1./2,10,[36, 0, 211, 0, 1404, 0, 11633],SNRdB,2) >>> Pb_1_2 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1./2,10,[36, 0, 211, 0, 1404, 0, 11633],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_3_4 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(3./4,4,[164, 0, 5200, 0, 151211, 0, 3988108],SNRdB,1) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_1_2) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_3_4) >>> plt.axis([2,12,1e-7,1e0]) >>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_b/N_0$ (dB)') >>> plt.ylabel(r'Symbol Error Probability') >>> plt.legend(('Uncoded BPSK','R=1/2, K=7, Soft','R=3/4 (punc), K=7, Soft'),loc='best') >>> plt.grid(); >>> Notes ----- The code rate R is given by :math:`R_{s} = \\frac{k}{n}`. Mark Wickert and Andrew Smit 2018 """ Pb = np.zeros_like(SNRdB) SNR = 10.**(SNRdB/10.) for n,SNRn in enumerate(SNR): for k in range(dfree,len(Ck)+dfree): if hard_soft == 0: # Evaluate hard decision bound Pb[n] += Ck[k-dfree]*hard_Pk(k,R,SNRn,M) elif hard_soft == 1: # Evaluate soft decision bound Pb[n] += Ck[k-dfree]*soft_Pk(k,R,SNRn,M) else: # Compute Uncoded Pe if M == 2: Pb[n] = Q_fctn(np.sqrt(2.*SNRn)) else: Pb[n] = 4./np.log2(M)*(1 - 1/np.sqrt(M))*\ np.gaussQ(np.sqrt(3*np.log2(M)/(M-1)*SNRn)); return Pb
[docs]def hard_Pk(k,R,SNR,M=2): """ Pk = hard_Pk(k,R,SNR) Calculates Pk as found in Ziemer & Peterson eq. 7-12, p.505 Mark Wickert and Andrew Smit 2018 """ k = int(k) if M == 2: p = Q_fctn(np.sqrt(2.*R*SNR)) else: p = 4./np.log2(M)*(1 - 1./np.sqrt(M))*\ Q_fctn(np.sqrt(3*R*np.log2(M)/float(M-1)*SNR)) Pk = 0 #if 2*k//2 == k: if np.mod(k,2) == 0: for e in range(int(k/2+1),int(k+1)): Pk += float(factorial(k))/(factorial(e)*factorial(k-e))*p**e*(1-p)**(k-e); # Pk += 1./2*float(factorial(k))/(factorial(int(k/2))*factorial(int(k-k/2)))*\ # p**(k/2)*(1-p)**(k//2); Pk += 1./2*float(factorial(k))/(factorial(int(k/2))*factorial(int(k-k/2)))*\ p**(k/2)*(1-p)**(k/2); elif np.mod(k,2) == 1: for e in range(int((k+1)//2),int(k+1)): Pk += factorial(k)/(factorial(e)*factorial(k-e))*p**e*(1-p)**(k-e); return Pk
[docs]def soft_Pk(k,R,SNR,M=2): """ Pk = soft_Pk(k,R,SNR) Calculates Pk as found in Ziemer & Peterson eq. 7-13, p.505 Mark Wickert November 2014 """ if M == 2: Pk = Q_fctn(np.sqrt(2.*k*R*SNR)) else: Pk = 4./np.log2(M)*(1 - 1./np.sqrt(M))*\ Q_fctn(np.sqrt(3*k*R*np.log2(M)/float(M-1)*SNR)) return Pk
if __name__ == '__main__': #x = np.arange(12) """ cc2 = fec_conv() y = cc2.puncture(x,('011','101')) z = cc2.depuncture(y,('011','101')) #x = ss.m_seq(7) """ x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] cc1 = fec_conv() output, states = cc1.conv_encoder(x,'00') y = cc1.viterbi_decoder(7*output,'three_bit') print('Xor of input/output bits:') errors = np.int32(x[:80])^np.int32(y[:80]) print(errors)